Leadership: Training & Teamwork 


PIChE-USA is committed to provide Leadership and Team Building programs for all members.  The following activities are undertaken to accomplish our commitment.  All discussions in this section is limited to "activities or programs to train more leaders and to engage more members.

2022: 1. Formation of BOT-Teams, to get to know one another better

2. Formation of Committees to engage members

3.  Inviting members to present  or to be a speaker

4.  To engage members in Social Activities

(Social hours; Christmas Party, Anniversary Celebrations)

5. maximum utilization of social media to reach out members

(Chat-messenger. Facebook, email etc) 

As we start the year 2023, it is best to look back and evaluate where we are today.

2023 How well have we attain our goal of engaging more members?

1) The concept of BOT-Teams was specially needed during the First Anniversary Celebration on May, 21, 2022.   This was an effort to assign each member to a BOT so communication, collection or reaching out can be facilitated by each BOT without any duplication of efforts.  This worked for this reason and with the concept of BOT Teams all members as of May 2022 were featured in the  Souvenir Program.

Note as of March 2023:  The BOTs did not really bought into this idea after the May Event.  Members were directly communicating with one another outside the BOT Team.  This concept died a natural death.  

2)  Committees have been active and produced results. Each committee is empowered to set their goal and produce results. These are successful moves for the Chapter. (This is not the place to discuss the committees in detail.)  All committee chairpersons led their committee as appropriate. There is always an opportunity to improve one's leadership skills.

Note as of March 2023-  Active interaction via chats between the president and the committee chairpersons facilitated committee actions.

3) Panel of Speakers for Leadership - The first and only panel discusssion on Leadership was help on May 21, 2022, coinciding with the First Anniversary Celebration in Los Angeles, CA. Topics discussed and assigned to the panel were:

a) The ChE Leader as a Manager - Puri 

b) The ChE Leader as a Supervisor - Alcio Tumulak

c) The ChE Leader as a Coordinator - Sylvia Guanlao

d) The ChE Leader as a Researcher - Vez Canonigo

e) The ChE Leader as an organizer - Daisy Lopoz

Note as of March 2023:  more panel discussions of the topic of leadership need to be organized for 2023

4) Engage members in social activities  - varied approaches and is a subject to be revisited in the near future.

5) Maximum utilization of Social media  - varied appoaches and is a subject to be revisited in the near future.

Prepared:  Daisy Lopoz, President  March 2023