FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1.      What is PRC?

  PRC stands for Professional Regulation Commission. The organization who conducts licensure examinations to different professions. We have 3 Chemical Engineers in the Chemical Engineering Board of Examiners in PRC. One is the Chairman and the other two are members. The Chemical Engineering  Board  conducts the board exam twice a year or as announced by PRC.

2. How does one become a member of PIChE-USA?

  The interested Chemical Engineer or Chemical Engineering graduate referred:

3.    Are there membership dues? If so, how much are the monthly or yearly dues? 

    Calendar year 2023: Annual membership is $30 and Lifetime membership is $300.

4.    Can non-USA Filipino Chemical Engineers living overseas become members of USA chapter?

     No, this organization is for Filipino chemical engineers in the USA and Canada.

5.    Who are the Board of Trustees?

     The Board of Trustees are the set of officers for the PIChE USA Chapter. Presently we have 13 members of the Board of Trustees composed of the President, 2 Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, 2  Press Relations Officer , Auditor and the rest are Directors or Trustees.

6. What is a CV and why is this needed?

   A CV or Curriculum Vitae is needed from each member mainly to have a record of the various expertise of each member and to be able to identify the resource persons for a certain topic or session based on the expertise of the members in future webinars or zoom conferences.

7. How often does the Board of Trustees meet?

  As per by-laws, the Board of Trustees or BOT meets once a month to discuss on the different items defined in the agenda, such as approval of minutes of previous meetings, Treasurer's report, Membership Report, Committee Reports,  Webinars or Conferences schedules, and other matters.

8. What is EIN

  EIN stands for Employer Identification Number.

     9. What is  PIChE COF ?

     COF stands for College of Fellows. 

The College of Fellows is an organization of Past Presidents of PIChE or other Chemical engineers who have excelled in their respective field of endeavors in the academe, industry or government. It is headed by the Chair of the College of Fellows and the other officers are the vice chairman, treasurer and secretary. The COF works closely with PIChE National in its different areas of Operations and activities. These are the national convention and other international gatherings, such as the APChE Congress or Asia Pacific Chemical Engineers.

 The following are the set of officers for 2021-2023

10. What do these commonly used acronyms often used by PIChE National mean? 

11. What is Nanotechnology?

The most famous buzzword of engineering nowadays is " Nanotechnology. It is commonly used in all technical presentations and seems very interesting.

Nanotechnology is the creation of Useful/Functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter on the nanometer length scale and exploitation of novel phenomena and properties( physical, chemical, biological) at that length scale.

" If I were asked for an area of science and engineering that will most likely produce the breakthrough of tomorrow, I would point to nanoscale science and engineering."  by Neal Lane, former assistant to the President on science and technology.

   12. What does APCChE Mean?

     it is an accronym for Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering which was held in Manila SMX Convention Center last Spet 4-9,2023.

13. Who is the first Filipino Chemical engineer Woman President of APCChE?

She is PIChE Immediate Past President Maricris Vines of PIChE Laguna Chapter. She is a graduate of UP Diliman.

14. Who attended the last 20th APCChE and 84th National Convention in SMX from PIChE USA?

They are the following : Daisy Lopoz , President,  Jun Olano ( VP), Alcio Tumulak ( VP), Andrea Servinio Cortez ( Sec), Carlito Reyes ( member and Chairperson for Scholarship), Agnes Wark and Dr. Rinly Gecosala.

15. Who presented technical papers or poster presentations in the last APCChE?

They are Dr Rinly Gecosala who presented three papers from his students, Carlito Reyes ( Poster presentation ) and Agnes Wark ( Poster Presentation)

16. Did PIChE USA get some awards during the APCChE and 84th Natcon?

Yes, we were considered as finalist for the OPCA, Pres. Daisy Lopoz was awarded the " Member Emeritus Award" and VP's Jun Olano and Alcio Tumulak were awarded the " President Emeritus Awards".

Dr. Rinly was awarded as the best paper presentor, the same award he got last year.

17. Where is the venue for the 85th National Convention?

It will be held in Cebu City around September 2025

18. Where was the second anniversary of PIChE USA held?

it was in San Francisco last May 2023. it was started with a plant visit and tour at Genentech Company organized by Andrea Servinio followed by a Panel discussion on Sustainability, then a semi formal Party in the evening with Hat costumes. Two speakers from Genentech shared their Sustainability projects in the company followed by great Q and A portion. Thanks to Andrea for organizing.

19. When is the third Anniversary for PIChE USA? 

It is tentatively scheduled on May 18-20 in New Jersey.

20. Who are the new set of Officers for PIChE USA CY 2023-2025?

They are:

President:  Alcio Tumulak

First VP:    Dr. Rinly

Second VP: Celso Paguntalan

Secretary : Andrea Servinio Cortez

Treasurer: Armand Balajadia

Auditor: Vez Canonigo

PRO: Risky Sordilla

         Salvador Lopez

BOT's : Thelma Stewart

             Thelma Manning

             Danny Engresso

             Rene Bongo

            Mariem Rigonan